Welcome from
Jackie Flynn
The Salford City College Group Corporation is committed to working with College management for the benefit of our students. It is the Corporation’s policy to be as informative as possible about the work of the Corporation and I hope you will find the information provided both interesting and relevant.
If not, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk/Governance Officer, Martin Toner, who will be pleased to assist you.
The Corporation welcomes the recruitment of governors from all sections of the community, and applications are welcomed from people of all cultural backgrounds with a range of relevant skills and experience.
Independent Corporation Governors are volunteers, who play an important part in setting the strategic direction of the College. The Corporation ensures accountability for the use of public funds through monitoring and evaluating the College’s performance.
For further information about becoming a member of the Corporation please contact the Clerk/Governance Officer, Martin Toner on martin.toner@salfordcc.ac.uk

Becoming a Governor
Becoming a governor is a rewarding and impactful role that allows individuals to contribute to the development and success of the College. Governors play a crucial role in shaping the educational experience of students.

Governance Documents
Governance documents are important tools that outline the structure, role, policies and responsibilities of the organisations governance. These documents have been established to guide the functioning and decision-making processes of the college governing body.

Our college Governors bring a wealth of expertise across various fields, ensuring an exceptional learning experience for all students.

External Review of Governance
All colleges are required to have an external governance review every three years. Our most recent review took place at the end of 2023, where the College received the highest level of assurance available.
Corporation Meeting Minutes
Salford City College Group Corporation meeting minutes are a written document providing a comprehensive record of the College’s discussions, decisions and actions taken.
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