
• Make Up Artistry Project (20 credits): A lecture and seminar series focusing on safe working practices in the studio, teamwork and organisational skills. The majority of learning will take place in demonstration and workshop classes where students will practice advanced techniques and work towards the completion of the assessed project. Tutorials will be used to monitor individual progress, and set formative targets. Continuous formative feedback will be available throughout the practical classes. All materials relating to the module along with further reading will be available on the Blackboard.

• Professional Studio Practice (20 credits): A series of lectures and seminars focusing on safe working practices in the studio, on location, team work and organisational skills at the beginning of the module. The majority of learning will take place in demonstration and workshop sessions, where students will practice advanced techniques and work towards the completion of the assessed projects. Tutorials will be used to assess individual progress and set formative targets.

• Product Development (40 credits): Lectures will be used to introduce key topics and will be explored further in seminars where there will be a greater emphasis on students leading learning through discussion, product and textual analysis. Development of understanding of the key product development processes and relevant legislation within the production and development of a product and brand. Guest lecture and demonstration workshops will also be utilised to explore specialised aspects of the module and ensure students have a sound understanding of the composites used and techniques for developing products. Experimentation and formulation workshops will form part of the module, to support the development of student brand and products.

• Product Development (40 credits): Lectures will be used to introduce key topics and expanded further in seminars where there will be a greater emphasis on students leading learning through discussion, product and textual analysis. Development of understanding of the key product development processes and relevant legislation within the production and development of a product and brand. Guest lecture and demonstration workshops will also be utilised to explore specialised aspects of the module and ensure students have a sound understanding of the composites used and techniques for developing products. Experimentation and formulation workshops will form part of the module, to support the development of students’ brand and products.

• Distorting and Enhancing Appearance (20 credits): This module will be delivered via lectures, seminars, tutorials and practical sessions. Workshops are designed to equip students with advanced techniques in research, designing and practical skills development relevant to characterisation within media make-up artistry. Workshops will be used to practice advanced techniques and provide students with the opportunity to work towards the assessed project. Tutorials will be used to assess individual progress and set formative targets. Continuous formative feedback will also be available within the practical sessions in order to assess their practical development as well as their critical and analytical skills.

• Professional Collaboration (20 credits): A short lecture and seminar series focusing on media make-up artistry specialisms, self-promotion, presentation skills, team work, organisational skills, networking in the media make-up industry and event planning. The majority of teaching and learning will take place in workshop classes where students will network and partake in production meetings as well as collate and create work suited to their specialisms. Tutorials will be used to monitor individual progress and set formative targets. Continuous formative feedback will be available during project supervision on the planning process of their event.

Additional fee information
These kits are mandatory for all students studying on the BA(Hons) Make-up Artistry.

Mouldlife|PS Make-up Kit:  £350.00 (approx.)
Airbase Ultra Starter Kit: £99.00 (approx.)


Entry Requirements

Pass or higher in Level 5 Foundation Degree, Diploma or HND (from related subject areas).

You may be invited to a discretionary interview, and asked to produce a portfolio demonstrating both practical skills and academic writing at Level 5.

Applicants are required to have achieved a Grade C/4 or higher in GCSE English and Maths or the Level 2 equivalent (e.g. Functional Skills or Adult Literacy/Numeracy).

* Fees

Don’t let the cost of studying put you off – most of our students study for FREE, and those who don’t qualify for funding are very often eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan.

Eligibility depends on both the course you have chosen to study and your individual circumstances.


To add a course to your application, click 'Apply', once you have selected all your courses, click 'My Applications' top right, to continue the application process.

Select your choice below:


Available At

Start Date

Academic Yr




Media Make Up (Artistry) BA (Hons) (Top Up) (Level 6)

Available At

FutureSkills at MediaCityUK

Start Date


Academic Yr




Don’t let the cost of studying put you off – most of our students study for FREE, and those who don’t qualify for funding are very often eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan.

Eligibility depends on both the course you have chosen to study and your individual circumstances.

Please confirm you are applying to start in the
Academic Year